It's been a bit since my last post and we've had some fun things going on, so just thought I'd give a short recap of the last two weeks.
Lil' Miss America hopes you had a wonderful July 4th! I know we did, twice! Complete with chicken (of course), baked beans, apple pie and lots of other goodies, not to mention some really loud fireworks. She and I actually missed the fireworks because it was getting past some little girl's bedtime (Shortcake needed to go to bed too). But I won't say I'm all that sorry. Fireworks in India are REALLY loud. As a speech pathologist, all I can think about is the permanent damage I'm doing to my hearing when I am too close to them, even with ear plugs. They are very pretty though.
When mommy forgets the bib, you get stuck eating baked beans out of a Dixie cup with a napkin bandana, at least it's patriotic!
Lauren's (one of our co-workers), mom was in town. She brought lots of fun decorations and party favors from the US, including this awesome headband for Shortcake :)
Two days after the fourth, we celebrated my 32nd birthday. Yes, I'm that old. But I don't feel it...yet.
It was a theme party, but some of us were able to just come as ourselves and fit right in :) What's a redneck birthday party without a cake with fireworks, a homemade Nascar t-shirt, and a baby on each hip in just their diapers. Yes, mine has a tattoo. No, they are not both mine! Life hasn't been that eventful. The other little cutie is Shortcake's new best friend! He and his parents have been here for the last few weeks and it has been so fun for her to get to play with him.
Immediately after this picture was taken she started crying because she was so jealous that I was holding another baby. She really does like him, as long as mommy is not holding him. And then she cried because we had the nerve to try and make her wear Christina's awesome cowgirl boots. I wanted them for myself!
I wanted them real bad!
I don't wanna be a cowgirl!
Last, but certainly not least, she learned to blow bubbles ALL BY HERSELF! Caught one! So surprised and proud of herself. She just keeps proving to me that she is getting so big, but still, I refuse to admit that she isn't a baby anymore. Denial isn't just a river in Egypt my friends!