Shortly after my previous post about not having a time frame for how much longer our adoption would take, we got one. Not the one I was hoping for. We were told that it's going to be TWO years. This is not what we were expecting to hear! We were really hoping that it could be sooner. It seems like such a long time, but when I look back on how long we were waiting for Shortcake, our little miracle, it now seems like nothing. It was all worth it. I'm sure that's what I'll say when the next two years of our lives have come and gone. Looking back, when we hold our new little one in our arms, I can't wait to whisper in his or her ear, "you were worth it all!" Makes me think of this little lovely. I'm sure every mother feels this way. I already feel this way about a baby I haven't even met, who now with the new time frame hasn't even been born yet. I felt this way about Shortcake the minute we found out she was on the way. They are worth it all. Whatever it may include, sleepless nights, endless paperwork, having my fingerprints taken more times than your average criminal. I know it truly is worth it.
On a happier note, to go along with the theme of two, here are two of the cutest little things I've ever seen :)
Love this girl! Love those piggytails! Love that her friends at the park picked flowers and stuck them in her hair! Cuteness!!!
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