I started taking pictures at week 9 and I have to admit that more than a few of them were not taken at exactly the week that it says they were. I'm a pregnant mom of a 2 year old, a few cheats/shortcuts ARE allowed, as are waist down shots so you can't tell whether my hair and makeup are fixed or not :)
I also started off with great intentions to have the same pose every week. That all flew out the window when we went back to the US to renew our visas with just under a week's notice. So some of them are some random shots that I just went back and guesstimated what week I was in at the time.

You can tell I was finally starting to get over morning sickness!
Please ignore hole in shirt, haha!

Now for the boring, guesstimating pictures!
24 weeks (ish)
24 weeks (ish)
We were at a Halloween party; baby dressed up as a jack-o-lantern!
25 weeks
25 weeks
It's a boy!
26 weeks
26 weeks
27 weeks
28 weeks

Ok, so I wore the same outfit two weeks in a row... you can tell that two factors are in play here: 1. pregnancy brain in full effect, and 2. way fewer clothes to choose from these days!
And we're full-term!!! So thankful and excited to meet our baby boy!
So cute and fun! I think I'm as big as you are and I'm 3 weeks behind you! It looks like you're carrying that boy really low!