A few days ago I discovered one of our little friends in our bedroom floor. Shortcake was so fascinated and amused by him. She scared him behind some other objects in our room and I couldn't really do anything about him, nor did I really have a plan as to what I should do at the time. Then last night I saw him again under my nightstand. I tried to scare him toward the door, in hopes that I might successfully get him to run out of our room, across our dining room and out the front door, a lofty endeavor, I know! He of course, ran in the exact opposite direction that I tried to get him to go in and JUMPED! I can't remember if it was at this point that I started screaming or when I discovered that there were actually not one, but TWO of them. Nonetheless, I remembered my trusty broom and went to get it to attempt to relocate the little guy.

I think that my big red broom was pretty intimidating because he got really still and would barely move. I persisted though, and it paid off. Somehow I was able to get the little guy all the way across our dining room and out our front door! I kept telling him that he needed to just go and never come back, out loud! Of course, just as I am having an all out conversation with a lizard and prodding him with my broom like a crazy lady, the security guard of our building's wife walked by. I'm sure she thinks I'm absolutely nuts now, if she didn't already that is! My one solace is that she speaks almost zero English and couldn't understand exactly what I was saying. But then again, do you really need to have a great command of English to understand that a crazy lady is chasing a lizard with a broom?! I think not!
Anyway, I got him safely outside to freedom and that is where I hope that he will stay, and not decide to come back and bring friends. Oh yes, and the other one got away, so yes, I still have one lizard living or at least visiting my bedroom from time to time. I'll save that one for another day and just keep praying he doesn't get in our bed between now and then.
Oh, Amanda! This gave me such a laugh! Thank you for sharing! Love ya! :D